Zu a lot of information on the first page of the homepage makes the homepage a bit confusing in my opinion. Hence this own page on which I would like to pass on "official" information to the club members or other model builders who are interested in the club life of the MBF Ried im Innkreis.
Zu a lot of information on the first page of the homepage makes the homepage a bit confusing in my opinion. Hence this own page on which I would like to pass on "official" information to the club members or other model builders who are interested in the club life of the MBF Ried im Innkreis.
Modellbaufreunde Ried im Innkreis
Plastic - and Card Modelling


STEMOT - Tramway Museum Graz
April 15 - 16, 2023 "The Styrians"

Hello model builders,
This weekend it was time again and the model building friends "Die Steirer" had also lined up in the exhibition calendar again.
After a few years have passed since the last exhibition, they have dared to move to the provincial capital of Graz in order to bring the hobby of plastic and cardboard model making closer to a wider audience.
Basically, the location was well chosen, the weather would have played along. The very low temperatures this weekend made it all a lottery game in which - if we want to put it that way - the organizer simply couldn't win.
The venerable walls of the depot, in which the old trams are actually housed, provided the framework for the exhibition. An old building with little insulation, very thick walls and the corresponding temperatures that were in the single digits on both days.
Nevertheless, the exhibitors waited out the two days, thickly wrapped up and dressed as if they were going to go skiing. A compliment to everyone who made it through this weekend. We will all remember it and in a few years it will be: “Do you remember the exhibition in Graz – Pah, it was cold there!”
I would particularly like to highlight the colleague from Slovenia who was there for two days with shorts. Hats off!
From a climatic point of view, it was an extreme experience for us that we had for the first time. But you can't do anything about the weather!
Now to the exhibition:
As always, the exhibition was very well organized and numerous exhibitors, a few dealers and a competition made it a fun and informative event. It was nice to meet all the model builders from the "south" once again.
Model builders from other countries were also represented. So you could welcome these from Poland, Slovenia, Germany, etc. as well as the clubs from Austria. It was a rendezvous of many familiar faces.
All sectors were represented in large numbers and, as always in Styria, paper and cardboard model making in particular. The competition was also well stocked and overall the exhibition showed high-quality model making.
The model railway club also opened its doors to their clubhouse, which is also housed in these walls.
On Saturday we still had the exhibitors' evening, which was also very nice and was crowned by a fabulous meal and some interesting conversations. Our guesthouse "GÄSTEHAUS PLANK" is also one of the "favorite accommodations"! Thanks to Mrs. Plank for the nice reception - it was like with mother"
A successful weekend from a model builder's point of view.
Finally, a request to the organizer:
Please next time again an exhibition in Wettmanstätten - a beautiful - tranquil and nice village with character. The number of spectators in Graz is no different than there.
Except you can get other clubs from different sectors on board and – as discussed – find another location.
I would like to thank you on behalf of MBF Ried for the weekend and wish you all the best until the next meeting.
Gottfried Schachinger
MBF Ried/Chairman
PS: Pictures to follow!